Brown Leather Straps
Brown 20 mm premium leather straps. Vintage inspired and totally handmade in Italy. Shell Cordovan, Calfskin, textured or unlined. Choose yours, fits with any watch!
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Mainland Spain: 1-3businessdays.
Europe:DHL Express: 3-5 business days.DHL Express Priority: 1-2 business days.
Orders placed weekdays before 11:59 AM CET will be usually dispatched the same business day. Orders after 11:59 AM CET will leave the next business day.
Yes, we ship to every country in the world with some exceptions.Please note that some international shipments may be liable for additional custom fees and taxes. In all cases, We will issue the necessary paperwork to ensure the parcel is cleared from customs, although any additional charge will be the buyer's responsibility.
DHL Express to European countries (EEC) for a flat rate of 6.90€ (FREE in orders of 75€ and above).
DHL Express Priority to European countries (EEC) for a flat rate of 9.90€ (FREE in orders of 150€ and above).
DHL Express Priority to European countries (outEEC) for a flat rate of 12.90€ (FREE in orders of 150€ and above).· International Tracked Shipping outside EU is flat rate of 15€ with some exceptions.
Yes. You have 30 days upon receiving your order to request a return for unused and undamaged products .
We do everything in-house from our headquarters in Madrid, Spain.Please contact us at with any question.